the LUiS performance profile

Kai-Olaf Dammenhain -"The right forces for targeted changes"
40 years of transformation consulting and project management in operations and IT

  • 40 years of experience in change management and projects in production and logistics, as well as the introduction of IT systems.
  • 40 years of experience working with people.
  • For 40 years, my customers have known me as a hands-on person with clear ideas.
I am pleased to introduce myself to you.

With my expertise in industry and consulting, I can help solve your problems. In addition to my personal knowledge, I can draw on a broad network of experts consisting of friends and partners. This gives you security.
Your manufacturing company, like your entire industry, is facing enormous challenges. With limited funds and resources, crucial projects have to be completed in a very short space of time. Rapidly changing technologies, products, methods and customer requirements lead to many projects at the same time. Mistakes are allowed, but we cannot afford to make serious mistakes.
Standing still is not an option! These challenges are also huge opportunities. Trust me, together we can be successful!

The focus of my work over the last few decades in the areas of sales, logistics, production and IT has been the restructuring of projects, the removal of obstacles and the use of potential, always with a focus on performance. Avoiding waste, speed, transparency and costs are my focus. The goal is always to implement a simple and usable solution for employees.

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